Deadly Ever After

Happy Anniversary!

Today’s Brew:  Champagne!

by Kristen

June 20th marked our one year anniversary on Deadly Ever After.  Julie and I knew we needed a blog to get the word out there about our books, so we decided to do one together.  I had blogged before, but Julie was pretty relatively new to the internet.  It really never interested her before.  I know, it sounds hard to believe now.

The blog has been successful beyond anything we could have hoped for.  Our second day, we had 50 views.  Of course, some blogs have 50 views a minute, but for two unknown writers just starting out on a WordPress site, it got our attention.  We knew people would be paying attention.  I’m glad we had a good start because it helped us keep our momentum and build a community of friends and writers.

Some fun stats.  We have had just over 20,000 views.  113 countries have visited us.  That’s my favorite stat of all.  We have 175 people who follow our blog.  Our posts have been commented on 1290 times.  Our best day was actually June 20, our anniversary.  We had 874 views.  These are our top ten most viewed posts:

The Existence of Frigging Creeps, Specifically Ken Hoinsky
About Us
How Not To Be A Writing Loser by Julie
The Horrors of the Bethlehem Royal Hospital, London
Meet The Animal by Julie Hutchings
An Evening With Tiffany Reisz
Creating The Animal by Julie Hutchings
The Exception by Kristen Strassel
The New Hippies
Writing YA: How Old Is Too Old?
Because The Night

I love that it’s pretty evenly a mix of my and Julie’s posts, as well as About Us.

I don’t think that either of us could have guessed what would have happened with the blog or our writing in this past year.  We had both just finished our first drafts of Running Home and Immortal Dilemma (now Because The Night) when the blog started.  We didn’t know any other writers.  We’ve made some great friends.  Running Home is coming out in a month.  I have an agent.  Julie’s working on her third book.  I am working on my second full length novel, and I’ve also completed a novella.  I’ve been published in an anthology, Julie’s work will be featured in an anthology this summer.  We’ve done guest posts all over the world.

I’m excited to see what we will post for our second anniversary.

Thanks to everyone who has stopped by, read us, laughed and cried with us.  We love every single last one of you.

Kristen and Julie

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14 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary!

  1. Congratulations Ladies. I’m so glad to have met you both. You’re great!! Here’s to all the best most wonderful things x 2 in the next year…

  2. Well done, girls! I’m very happy for you both, and i’ll be joining you in a glass or twelve of something special soon too, as i will be 50 on Wednesday (26th), and i have a short story that’s being published the first week in July.

  3. Happy anniversary! I’m so happy to know you ladies and I think you’re both absolutely wonderful. Here’s to another stellar year and the longevity of the Undead Duo!


  4. Congratulations to you both!

  5. Thanks, Daven! So cool to still have you with us from our days on Authonomy!

  6. Glad to have all of you with us on this wild and crazy ride! You guys are the ones who are making it awesome. Seriously, we can’t thank you all enough.


  7. Congratulations Kristen and Julie!

  8. Congrats Kristen and Julie!

  9. caliccardi on said:

    A very big and happy Congrats to you to lovely ladies. This is super excellent 🙂 and I could not be happier for two of my favorite people EVER!

  10. Thanks for the links to the “Best Of”! Just read a few and got my own ass kicked by Julie (I will now stop reading blogs and go write some words).

So what do you think?