Deadly Ever After

Archive for the tag “Kat Ellis”

The Running Home Media Takeover Begins!

Today’s Brew:  Hair of the Dog for Julie, Tea for Kristen.  The Keurig is broken.  Again.

by Kristen

We are three measly little weeks away from the release of Running Home.  This coming month on Deadly Ever After will feature character spotlights, extras, and all sorts of Running Home goodness.

This is me, giving it the good old 'author stare'.

Kat Ellis

Julie will also be doing guest posts on other blogs as well!  Her whirlwind world wide tour begins TODAY on Kat Ellis’ Blog.  If you’re not familiar with Kat, do yourself a favor and acquaint yourself with her awesomeness.  (I wish Blogger and WordPress would let us reblog each other, but we can’t, so a link it is.)  We will keep you posted on other upcoming Julie appearances.  If you would like to have your very own Julie guest post, comment below and we will get in touch with you to set something up.

I can speak for Julie when I say how overwhelmed we both are by the show of support you have all given us.  We hope that you enjoy Running Home and all of the other crazy creations we have coming down the pike as much as we enjoyed writing them.

Running Home is on Goodreads!  Add it to your Want To Read list!!

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